
Reliable nutrition information from health experts and enthusiasts

coconut health benefits

The Tree Of Life: Coconut Health Benefits and Uses

Throughout tropical countries, the coconut is often referred to as the “tree of life”.  One could practically live off of coconut trees: not only can its fruits feed and hydrate you, but you can also create houses, dyes, tools, medicine, and furniture from coconut trees, leaving no part unused. In recent years, the health benefits […]

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health benefits of olive oil

Olive Oil: Its Remarkable Health Benefits And Many Uses

When it comes to cooking, many of us have become accustomed to the typical cooking oils, such as corn oil  or canola oil.  Unfortunately, these oils aren’t the healthiest out there, and many people have become wary of their effects on our health. Despite coming from vegetables or seeds, some of these oils are have […]

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root vegetables

7 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are a type of vegetables that grow underground. While they may not have the most pleasing appearance compared to fruits and other vegetables, root vegetables are just as nutritious, despite the bad rep they get for being high in carbohydrates. Unlike other vegetables that grow as the “fruits” of a plant, root vegetables […]

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healthy mushrooms

The 10 Healthiest Mushrooms You Can Eat

Fungi are a crucial part of our ecosystem, as they are responsible for breaking down organic matter, especially rotting food or carcass. They are also a huge part of nourishing other living things, as they release oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the soil and air as a byproduct.  Fungi has also made its way […]

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medicinal herbs

8 Useful Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow In Your Backyard

If you appreciate alternative medicine, herbs are just one of the many options you have for treating minor illnesses/conditions.  Before modern medicine was as developed as we know today, our ancestors mostly relied on the herbal remedies that are abundant in their surroundings. Throughout the centuries, folk healers have collected invaluable knowledge on these herbs […]

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