
Reliable nutrition information from health experts and enthusiasts

foods that protect your skin from sun damage

15 Foods That Can Protect and Repair Your Skin From Sun Damage

Whether you’re tanning on the beach or simply taking a walk in the park, our bodies are constantly exposed to the sun’s rays – even when you’re indoors (given that your windows let them pass through!). Exposure to sunlight is actually great for your body, as it serves as our primary source of vitamin D. […]

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how to make kids eat healthy

8 Ways To Make Healthy Eating Fun For Your Kids

As a parent, one of the biggest challenges you will probably face is making your children appreciate healthy foods. You’ve probably already heard of the horror stories of little picky eaters that would only eat chicken nuggets, which aren’t exactly the healthiest foods around.  If you’re reading this article, it means that you’re on the […]

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immune boosting foods

6 Best Food Sources to Boost Your Immune System

The colder months have settled in, which signals that the holiday season is near – and that the flu season will inevitably affect thousands, including you and your family.  To prepare for the flu season, doctors would typically recommend having seasonal flu shots, and to up your intake of immunity-enhancing nutrients such as vitamin C […]

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super seeds for diet

The 6 Healthiest Super Seeds You Should Add To Your Diet

When we think about the healthiest foods, fruits and vegetables like avocados and kale would be probably the first thing you would think of.  But what not a lot of people know is that seeds – of which some of these fruits and vegetables come from – are among the healthiest plant-based foods you can […]

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nuts, plant based proteins

The 10 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein

Protein is one of the most essential nutrients for our bodies – it makes up every cell in our body, from our skin on the outside, to the tissues that make up your internal organs. Although common knowledge is that protein builds our muscles, it is also needed to synthesize enzymes, hormones, and other biochemicals […]

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