
Reliable nutrition information from health experts and enthusiasts

collagen benefits, skin health

Benefits of Collagen Supplements: It’s Not Just For Your Skin!

If you’re into skincare, chances are you’ve already heard of collagen and the wonders it can do for your skin. However, collagen can offer more than just help you maintain a youthful look: it’s a major building block of nearly every part of your body, including your bones, muscles, blood vessels, corneas, and teeth. But […]

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fresh vegetables pescatarian

Feeling Stuffed? The 15 Best Foods To Fight Bloat

Bloating is one of the most uncomfortable and inconvenient feelings one could ever feel – not only can it make your belly look unflatteringly bigger, but it can often cause pain and discomfort that can persist no matter how hard you try to let it out in the bathroom.  If you feel bloated more often […]

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best sources of plant-based protein

The 10 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein

Protein is one of the most essential nutrients for our bodies – it makes up every cell in our body, from our skin on the outside, to the tissues that make up your internal organs. Although common knowledge is that protein builds our muscles, it is also needed to synthesize enzymes, hormones, and other biochemicals […]

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collagen skin health

5 Proven Benefits of Collagen Supplements

If you’re into skincare, chances are you’ve already heard of collagen and the wonders it can do for your skin. However, collagen can offer more than just help you maintain a youthful look: it’s a major building block of nearly every part of your body, including your bones, muscles, blood vessels, corneas, and teeth. But […]

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foods that fight bloating

Feeling Stuffed? The 15 Best Foods To Fight Bloat

Bloating is one of the most uncomfortable and inconvenient feelings one could ever feel – not only can it make your belly look unflatteringly bigger, but it can often cause pain and discomfort that can persist no matter how hard you try to let it out in the bathroom.  If you feel bloated more often […]

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