
Reliable nutrition information from health experts and enthusiasts

how to make bone broth

The Bone Broth Guide: How It Works And Its Benefits

Bone broth is one of the latest diet trends that really took off in recent years, along with the likes of kombucha and meatless meat.  Those who advocate for bone broth claim that this concoction can improve digestion, strengthen bone structure, reduce inflammation, and stimulate collagen production.  Although only a few studies on bone broth […]

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pescatarian diet seafood

All About The Pescatarian Diet: Its Pros, Cons, and How It Works

The pescatarian diet can be best described as almost vegetarian, but without giving up the heart healthy fats and proteins that one could get from seafood. The word pescatarian comes from the Italian word “pesce” meaning fish, combined with the word vegetarian. People often go for a pescatarian diet for health reasons. In general, seafoods […]

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health benefits of quinoa supergrain

The Health Benefits of Quinoa: Supergrain of the Future

Quinoa has become increasingly popular over the years, especially among vegans and fitness enthusiasts.  It has gained the title of ‘Supergrain of the Future’ because it is an almost complete source of protein, fiber, and minerals, all while being friendly to all types of diets. It is also a great source of antioxidants and vitamins […]

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probiotics supplements

5 Ways Probiotics Can Help You Lose Weight

Probiotics are widely known as the beneficial bacteria that we can obtain from dietary sources.  It is mostly known for its ability to improve digestion, along with promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut microbiome.  In recent years, scientists have also found that probiotics can actually help with weight loss through various mechanisms.  […]

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nutritious foods to boost immune system

9 Foods That Can Help You Deal With Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a natural process that every woman will encounter upon reaching the age of 40 and above.  It is the time when a woman finally stops getting her monthly periods, which is confirmed 12 months after the end of her last period.  This stage is marked by major physiological changes, which unfortunately comes with […]

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