
Reliable nutrition information from health experts and enthusiasts

organic rhubarb

7 Amazing Benefits of Organic Rhubarb

The rhubarb is a common vegetable widely known for its sour taste. While it is popularly used as either a vegetable or a dessert’s key ingredient (think rhubarb pie), the humble rhubarb is actually rich in minerals, vitamins, and organic compounds that have therapeutic use.  Let’s get to know more about this superfood. What is […]

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spirulina blue green algae

ORGANIC SPIRULINA: Its Benefits, and How You Can Use It

You might’ve seen what most people call the “unicorn drink” or heard of this mysterious dark green powder that people use to create unique desserts. What you probably didn’t know is that dark green powder is actually spirulina, a blue-green algae. Over the years, organic spirulina is dubbed as the “miracle of the sea” and […]

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milk thistle flower

ORGANIC MILK THISTLE: Its Benefits and How You Can Use It

The milk thistle is a common ingredient extracted from the milk thistle plant (silybum marianum) and is traditionally used for its liver-healing properties.  However, recent studies have shown that organic milk thistle has benefits beyond treating liver and gallbladder disorders. From a potential anti-cancer treatment to preventing Alzheimer’s, the milk thistle is rich in medical […]

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The Benefits of Organic Dandelion Root Extract

Upon seeing a patch of dandelions, it’s hard to resist blowing away its seeds – it’s fun, and many people believe it can grant wishes.  On the other hand, some might see dandelions as pests, as they tend to spread quickly throughout people’s lawns.  But what a lot of people don’t know is that dandelions […]

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organic goji berry benefits

Organic Goji Berry: Its Benefits And How You Can Use It

Goji berries are tiny bright red fruits which pack a ton of antioxidants that have made it a popular superfood.  For more than 2,000 years, organic goji berries have been used as a traditional herbal remedy and food supplement in Asia, especially in traditional Chinese medicine. It is believed to boost the immune system, slow […]

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